Screensaver Is Completely User Adjustable. You Will Be Wisked Away To This Magnificent Marvel From Mother Nature For An All Expense Paid Trip Compliments of Mother Nature. Glorious Grandeur - Absolutely Breathtaking. Globe - Watch this lovely globe waterfall sparkle on your screen Glittering Stars - A request from someone who wanted purple Theme, Screensaver, Wallpaper, Icons, Cursors and IE Toolbar Available ~ Lady Di A Hummingbird and A Honey Bee Find These Pretty Flowers Quite Irresistable. You Can Still Hear The Soothing Sounds Of The Falling Rain Off In The Distance As It Mingles With The Delicate Tones Of Guitar. Glistening Spring Rain - By Request ~ The Petals On These Lovely Blue Flowers Still Glisten With The Drops Of Rain After A Refreshing Spring Shower. Gliding Aqua Orbs - No way to really describe this one its more of a you have to see it for yourself. Glass - Screensaver to match my Glass theme. and get it back.Screensaver has flying objects and a song.There is a 2nd.saver,theme,3logos and hotbar available Girl in Bikini Screensaver 1.0 - Beautiful Woman in bikini walks from left to right side of the screen. Giraffed - Golden jeweled patterns glitter with subtle giraffe highlights in this abstract kaliedoscope customizable screensaver.

GingerB Xmas - Many,funny Gingerbread People are flying over your screen.Cont. Ginger Bread People - Screensaver cont.funny Ginger Bread graphics and a fun :0)Background transparent. Giggling Mickey - It seems that Mickey can`t help himself giggling :O) Contents Mickey song & ani characters,also has three logos & a match.theme. Ghost Riders - Ghostly balls bounce and float over a wonderful fractal background while a great song plays. Getaway - Screensaver to match my Getaway theme. Georgie Bears Screensaver - Save your screen with some wonderful miniature teddy bears! These teddy bears are all designs by Georgie Bears, 12 in total! This is a transparent screensaver, made for 800X600 size, but can be used on other themes. Watch animated ouija boards, candles, crystal balls and ghosts move around the screen. Gentle Green SS - Matching animated screensaver to my theme. Gems v1 - Gems on transparent background. Desktop theme, the original wallpaper and a lovely animated screensaver with mutable music are all available for you. Thanks go to Vhera for a fantastic picture taken on her recent trip to India.
Why not try a desktop full of lovely amethyst as we can all use a little soul soothing in this busy, troubled world. Gems of Amethyst - The gemstone, amethyst, is said to bring quiet, calm and soothing to the soul. Gefilte Fish - Gefilte fish on transparent background. Matching Screensaver to my Theme Gates To Peace Gates To Peace 2 - Beautiful picuture of a stone walkway leading to a flower lined gate with the mid Angel playing in background. Music is a lively little greek tune Paidiapirea and can be muted. Garden_Shop_WB_LDP - Matching animated saver to my theme. Has a matching desktop theme which is available separately.

Garden Vegetables - A variety of garden vegetables bouncing and floating around your screen on a transparent background. Garden Time SS - Garden Items Rake, mower, weed and feed, shovel, plant, and other items floating around on transparent background. Garden of the geisha - a beautiful geisha in her garden with falling flowers. Games Children Play - Fun & laughter ~ Nature & Kids :O)The saver cont.many animations like bubbles,fishes,plants,plus a compl.song HOW GLAD I AM.Also has a theme,three logos and a HotBar. stars, comets.outofspace music.just watch the immense beauty of our galaxy. Galaxy of Beauty - Infinity, sparkles, planets, an ufo. Pick a Letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Wallpaper Screensavers Themes Cursors XP Styles Icons Outlook Stationery WinAmp Skins Messenger Skins XP Boot Screens Site Backgrounds IncrediMail Letters ICQ Skins IE Toolbars HotBars Appleblossom Art
MiscellaneousG Screensavers - Thousands of Free Screensavers