Absolutely every LEGO creation looks so uncannily true to life, that when you blast an immaculately assembled 1000-piece Tie Fighter out of the sky, you can almost hear the cries of anguish from the parent who spent their whole Sunday afternoon helping their kid build it. 2021’s Hot Wheels Unleashed set a new standard for high fidelity virtual plastic, and The Skywalker Saga certainly matches it down to every last plastic seam and textured hair piece, with the paint on minifigs chipping away convincingly after extended use as though they’re a much-loved toy. Not only does the new close-up perspective make you feel more engrossed in the action, it also leads to a greater appreciation of how realistically rendered each individual LEGO brick is. I certainly still enjoyed the gunplay in The Skywalker Saga, but more for its flashy spectacle than its shallow attempts at strategy. In The Skywalker Saga, the combination of a constantly recharging health bar and the authentic inaccuracy of each Stormtrooper’s shots meant there was rarely any risk in taking a run and gun approach. I love the neat touch atop this system that you’re able to quickly rebuild destroyed cover (as can enemies), but outside of a couple of specific boss fights I hardly ever felt the need to actually shelter behind anything. (A similar cover-based mechanic was featured in 2016's LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but only in specific sections of a level). If you’re controlling a character equipped with a blaster, you now have the option of taking cover behind walls and other objects to pick your foes off from afar, and can switch between cover positions with the tap of the button.

Fighting as a Jedi or Sith might not have the depth of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but it’s nonetheless fast, fluid, and it feels fantastic. Lightsabers can be boomeranged and crates can be Force-pushed with satisfying precision, and a simple combo system allows you to launch enemies into the air for a juggling volley of saber swings with ease. In a dramatic departure from the zoomed out camera perspective of previous LEGO titles, The Skywalker Saga features a tighter, over-the-shoulder third-person view typical of the likes of Gears of War or Uncharted, and it brings along with it far greater control over your attacks.